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Thumbs Up for Indian Customer Engineer

Time : 2023-12-15

In September 2023, we delivered a stick chewing gum & roll bubble gum plant plus coated gum 10pcs double layer stick pack machine to an Indian customer.

We had planned to appoint engineer to do commissioning services at Indian customer’s factory, unfortunately due to politic reasons between China and India, it is very difficult for our engineer to get visa.

It was an easy job for Indian customer to make roll bubble gum plant run smoothly and then stick gum production line run well. Key problem is how to make stick gum wrap machine and coated gum 10pcs double layer stick pack machine run as well.

They kept pushing us to send engineer although they knew the barrier erected by Indian government for visa. Till end of November 2023, wechat occurred in our sales manager’s mind. She arranged a wechat group which included Indian customer & our counterpart. When Indian engineer met any problem, he sent a short video to the group, then our engineer saw the video, marked where the problem was and explained what to do. Immediately after that, Indian engineer did the correction accordingly. In this way, all the problems were solved one by one and the stick gum wrap machine started to work smoothly and is sure to keep working well under the care of the excellent engineer.

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Indian Engineer’s comment on our machines:


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